• Rio Safety Guide

    Here are Important tips for a successful vacation

    1. Rio can be Dangerous

    electronic theft

    Rio is not a war zone like most media around the world portrays. The most common issue with tourists are Thefts. You can mostly use Cameras, Cell Phones and Electronics most places as long as you are paying attention to your surroundings. This is the most important part of protecting yourself, common sense is key. Thefts have dropped since various police programs were put in place though not enough.


    O Rio não é uma zona de guerra como a maioria da mídia ao redor do mundo retrata. O problema mais comum com os turistas são roubos. Você pode usar principalmente câmeras, telefones celulares e eletrônicos na maioria dos lugares, desde que preste atenção ao que está ao seu redor. Esta é a parte mais importante para se proteger!

    2. Dress Casual

    Petty theft

    Dress up with nice clothes and fancy jewelry? Not worth it. It isn't worth the risk. Most Carioca's dress casual. You do not need an apple watch and gold chain for a relaxing vacation. Wearing flashy stuff can make you a target, Though you may not get robbed the week you are here, it does put you at higher risk. Flip flops, beach shirt and some shorts are perfect. If you're going out to dinner dressed up, just be aware and mindful of your surroundings.


    Vestir-se com roupas bonitas e joias sofisticadas? Não vale a pena. Não vale o risco. Vestido casual mais carioca. Você não precisa de um relógio da apple e de uma corrente de ouro para férias relaxantes. Usar roupas chamativas pode torná-lo um alvo. Embora você não possa ser roubado na semana em que está aqui, isso o coloca em maior risco. Chinelos, camisa de praia e alguns shorts são perfeitos. Se você estiver saindo para jantar bem vestido, esteja ciente e atento ao que está ao seu redor.

    3. Riding Buses

    Where to sit

    The Yellow seats are Handicap and you must move for Elderly or Disabled people. If you use your Cell Phone on the bus you should not do so by the door or open window (Young kids try to grab it). Riding the bus late night can be dangerous if you are not sure the route you should use Uber. Moovit is a great bus App to be sure your bus is running and on time, get it!

    4. Going to the Beach

    Enjoy it

    Rio has great beaches but sometimes they can get a little tricky. First off, if you go the beach at night you can be robbed and most Carioca's don't go unless there is a market or party with a group. Second, please don't leave anything on the beach without keeping an eye on it because it could be stolen. Third and last, take advantage of the vendors selling food and drink on the beach but do not buy Shrimp!

    5. Street Foods

    we love it

    Some people love it and some hate it. Your biggest protection is common sense with any Street Food you eat. Look for Vendors who have many people because it shows they have a following or return customers. Check for Cleanliness of the Cart and Vendor. (Gloves or Napkins). If the food seems bad, toss it! Its not worth the Risk especially for a a dollar or less!

    Most popular street foods.


    1. Cheese bread

    2. Coxinha (chicken)

    3. Esphia Arabic food

    4. Ham and Cheese rolls (Baked or fired)

    5. Popcorn and Sweets

    6. Hot dogs (Many toppings)


    Do you like street food??

    Click below to learn more about Rio's foods!



    6. Favela-Comunidade

    know before you go

    Experience Rio wants to connect the outside world more with Comunidades but that doesn't mean they are safe. In fact most Favela's within Rio are very dangerous and can risk the life of a tourist. Places like Rocinha, you may see tours and we advise you find a well vetted agency. Vidigal is safe but even so there are day of violence hence we insist on finding an experienced guide.


    In the North Zone there are Favela's much larger which span over a vast area, These happen to be the most dangerous areas of Rio. Furthermore these Favelas also have a tourism sector and landmarks important to Rio de Janeiro.


    Experiência O Rio quer conectar mais o mundo exterior com as Comunidades, Mas isso não significa que sejam seguras. Na verdade, a maioria das favelas dentro do Rio é muito perigosa e pode arriscar a vida de um turista. Lugares como a Rocinha, você pode ver passeios e aconselhamos que encontre uma agência bem avaliada. O Vidigal é seguro mas mesmo assim há dias de violência, por isso insistimos em encontrar um guia experiente.

    Na Zona Norte existem favelas muito maiores que se estendem por uma área muito miaor. Essas são as áreas mais perigosas do Rio. Além disso, essas favelas também têm um setor de turismo e lugares importantes para o Rio de Janeiro.


    Bold Numbers are for Tourists.

    Dial Dial Water and sewage 115

    Electricity 116

    Anatel 1331

    Civil police 197 

    ANEEL 167

    Federal police 194

    Customer Service 180

    Military police 190

    Emergency Medical Assistance - SAMU 192

    Federal Highway Police 191 

    Fire Department 193

    Social Security 135

    Civil defense 199

    Procon 151

    Detran 154

    IRS 146

    Human rights 100

    SUS COVID19 136

    Here you can access all numbers from Police to Fire and more.